Quality and Traceability
All the plants receive an ongoing roll-out of a quality management system that takes in the entire production cycle: from collecting the ABPs from the various collection points, to delivering the finished products to end customers.
Every production batch is classified, identified and checked at every production stage through to final sale, after a final overall check of called "Finished Product Release".
The HACCP training which our staff receives starts from receiving the ABPs and ends with consigning finished products to the dispatchers. It takes place annually so contains all the latest updates on health-related legislation so that our staff are more directly aware of, and responsible for, their actions.
The transport of the ABPs and finished products is done by both owned trucks and contractors who work exclusively with Salgaim and who ensure maximum availability and attention to their duties, being aware of the demands and different specific loading/unloading formalities at the various production sites. All of these operations, and tasks of recording and filing, guarantee both a forward and backward traceability between raw ABPs and finished products.
Our certifications
Since 2005 both of our category-3 rendering units have been certified according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2008.
From 2012, to meet the demands and needs of a new and emerging bioenergy market, both rendering units have been certified according to the Italian and EU scheme within the RED Directive, which is known for biofuel and bioliquid sustainability.
This latter certification, implemented in the QMS ISO 9001: 2008, examines and certifies exactly all the production lots of animal fats and used oils, providing the exact amounts of CO2 produced during the transport and transformation, making it compulsory for us to constantly improve transport and optimize costs and environmental benefits.