Today Salgaim Ecologic S.p.A. is an established company that operates nationwide working ABPs in high-tech equipment, specialized, ensuring full respect for the surrounding environment and special attention to the environmental protection area.

Co.Ge. Servizi S.r.l. is a subcontractor transport company that collects and transports Category 1 and 3 by-products from slaughterhouses, butcher shops, farms, processing laboratories and companies that need to eliminate animal waste. The truck fleet meets all the criteria laid down by the reference standards and collect at all of the sites in the area covered.
Co.Ge. Servizi S.r.l. is a company registered under No. TS00283 (Friuli Venezia Giulia) in the national association of environmental managers. It deals with the collection and transport of used plant and animal oils produced from catering establishments mainly in Friuli Venezia Giulia, and the subsequent sale of the recyclable ABPs to companies recognized by national sector association (RENOILS, compulsory national consortium for the collection and processing of UCOs) for storage on the premises of the company CO.GE. Ecologica S.n.c. of Cordenons (Prov. of Pordenone), and for rendering works at the plant of Lugo di Campagna Lupia (Prov. of Venice).
The main goal is to provide incentives to collecting UCOs also among households, through agreements signed with the various municipal and provincial administrations. Data on oil consumption show that the loss into the environment of UCOs causes serious pollution and that they could instead be recycled for energy.

SEB S.r.l. was founded in 2000 as a limited liability company, and is recognized by RENOILS, the national consortium for mandatory collection and rendering of used cooking oils (UCOs). The firm collects vegetable and animal oils and fats produced by catering establishments of North-Eastern Italy, and then renders them at the plant in Lugo di Campagna Lupia (VE).
The business has recently been flanked by the collection of also used home cooking oils after agreements were signed between some Veneto municipalities to set up ecological recycling centres. Data on fat and oil consumption show that the dispersion of used oils into the environment causes serious pollution whereas, through rendering and recycling, they can be exploited for energy. Biodiesel is one such example.
This is precisely the goal of the new initiative launched by SEB: to involve town and city administrations in an environmental protection scheme which, on the one hand, eliminates the source of pollution and, on the other, allows the local authorities to dispose of the fuel needed for running public transport services, while fully respecting the environment and reaping the benefits of savings on current fuel sources. Many municipalities have already joined the project and have achieved excellent results.

Ecopolis S.r.l. is a company which started from the idea of exploiting the heat generated by the ABP-rendering plants - for environmental protection and energy saving - by using a source that would otherwise be lost.
Thus began an experience which has proved important not so much for the kind of rendering it involves; rather, for the way it has been implemented: the fish aquarium system exploits the heat produced by the production process of the main plant.
So, close to the Campagna Lupia (VE) facility we set up two greenhouses that use already-available heat to warm up the aquariums that reproduce and raise the fish for the local aquariums.

Coming soon, many new projects by Salgaim.


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